AUNT IN LAW FROM HELL... ladies I need your advice! How would you handle this situation?

I wanted to make let this post into a poll.

Long story, sorry in advance...

Yea you read that correctly, I have an aunt in law from hell (mother in law’s older sister). Let me preface this by saying that I absolutely love my mother in law.

Sooo my husband is close to his aunt because she helped “raise him” so she is someone that is important to him and I have no problem with that except for the fact that I am on pins and needles around her all the time. We didn’t start off on the best foot because she felt that I should’ve came to visit her out of state before I married my husband. This was completely out of the question because it was inappropriate for me to travel with my now husband out of State without being married (religiously inappropriate, and she doesn’t seem to understand that).

She is a very sensitive person and for whatever reason she acts all high and mighty. She has a PhD and thinks she knows everything. When she visits from out of town she thinks my husband and I should drop everything we have planned and cater to her schedule. She also thinks if someone disagrees with her opinion then they are being “disrespectful”.

Because of how she acts I have always gone wayyyy out of my way to be super respectful and nice to her as not to get on her bad side. She is always holding a grudge against someone or in some sort of disagreement with family or colleagues. For example, I sent her a gift one time which consisted of 3 teas (detox, weight loss and sleep), a very cute mug and a picture album because she enjoys scrapbooking. So I get a call and she tells me she was offended by my gift because she thought I was trying to say that she was overweight! Mind you, she told me specifically that she was looking for a detox and weight loss tea to help kick start her diet!!!

Anyways, there have been a lot of small issues here and there but it all came to a head about a month ago. So I just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy (1st child - he’s 2 months old now) and we had a religious/cultural event at my house when he was 3 weeks old. It was basically a party to introduce him to close friends and family (there was about 50 people invited). We told her before hand that they would be a good amount of people there and she probably wouldn’t have a lot of one on one time with the baby with the amount of people being there so we invited her over the day before so she can meet and spend time with the baby before the party. So the next day rolls around and she gets to my place early and offers to give the baby a sponge bath and get him dressed before the rest of the guests arrive. The guests start to arrive and everyone is having a good time... then one of my close friends asks me to hold the baby so I get up and ask her “can I borrow the baby” and she says sure. More and more people arrive and the baby is being passed around. She leaves to take her nephew to a party and when she gets back I notice that she is upset. I’m just thinking that she is mad because she had to take her nephew somewhere kinda far but I was dead wrong! When she gets back I ask her if she wants me to make her a plate and she said “no” with Major attitude. I go tell my husband to ask her and she tells him no as well. Side note; he also thinks she is upset about the nephew situation.

Fast forward about an hour... she leaves without saying goodbye. I thought she went to her car to get something but she never came back. Then I get a group text message to my husband and I that is beyond rude. It basically said that I humiliated her, disrespected, that I don’t know how to blend family traditions and blah blah blah for taking the baby. Like I was so upset. I had no idea that taking MY child was a crime. It didn’t stop there she called my husband and was yelling and cursing on the phone saying that I don’t know how to “honor” her and that I tried to “check” her?!? That she should’ve gotten more time with the baby since she came in from out of town (my family came a longer distance than her). I was furious, she ruined a very happy day for me.

She then started talking about how she did not get to attend the baby shower because I picked a day where my sister was only available and she had to work that weekend (sorry but my sister takes priority). Btw I asked her multiple times to give me dates that she was free but she kept saying to go ahead with a date that my sister could attend.

I very politely responded to her text saying that I didn’t mean to offend her and that we had notified her about how the event would be but she didn’t care. I think she wanted a throne or something. But it did not stop there, she said me taking the baby was a “power move” and that she deserved better consideration because she is family and not a friend. She then started to talk about my guests about how they were unwelcoming and obnoxious and combative?!? Mind you after I texted her after the initial text, I stopped responding. I think this was making her angry because she kept sending me messages and stating she didn’t want to discuss the situation over text yet she was having a one way convo with me! She told me “Please do not use words you do not understand. You disrespected me today for the last time”. Those are fighting words to me. Btw she did send an apology text but then she continued to send nasty texts to me so to me that’s not an apology.

During all of this, she is also texting my husband and dragging him into this. She even told him that she was disappointed in him because my family was staying at my house and she was in a hotel. In all 5 years we have been married she has never stayed with us... she has always stayed with her sister and all of a sudden she wants to stay with us??? She was just pulling at strings.

At one point she told my husband that she never wanted to talk to him again unless it was an emergency or if it was about his mother or grandmother (because he was taking my side). She even said that she would be removing him from his will 😂.

So she continued to text both of us for DAYS... this was soo exhausting especially since I had a newborn and i just didn’t have time for her drama.

Guys I can talk for days about the things she said but I think y’all have the gist. Long story short, my husband was somewhat able to smooth things over. But! The icing on the cake was when she told my husband that I was depressed and was projecting my negative feelings on her! Apparently she’s a psychologist now. I’m not where near depressed.

Anyway some time has passed but I’m still hurt by a lot of things that she has said. I told my husband initially that I never wanted to see her again and I one point I considered retracting that but then she told him over and over that I owe her an apology. So now I’m back to never wanting to see her again.

So I want to know everyone’s opinion! Would you forgive and forget or would you prefer to never see her again! Comment below!

Add: my husband isn’t making me make up with her, he just wants to keep the peace and things not be awkward but I don’t want him to be stuck in the middle. And I really don’t want to avoid all family functions just because she will be there.

Any tips on how to deal with her in the future at family events would be appreciated 😊

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