Help!! Pleaseee!! Help!!

I just found out I was pregnant! I went to the emergency room on the 14th from pain in abdomen and pain more on my right side then left side stomach felt very bloated like I was filled with fluid or something and I also was bleeding but I would only see it if I wipe so they did blood test it came back 325 and he said I was still early like 3 weeks and so they did an ultrasound to see if it was an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage they kelp me in that room for an whole hour doing an ultrasound and they said they couldn’t find no sac or egg in my uterus nor tube because 3 weeks is to early and he sent me home well the day after that which is the 15th I reported back to the hospital!! In more pain I couldn’t sit cause it was like pressure and I had pain on my right abdomen abd it hurtted me to walk straight up and I’m still bleeding at that point still didn’t fill no pad but still was bleeding he going to tell me it’s nothing they could do really because they did an ultrasound and can’t tell if it’s an ectopic or not and he just told me to take Tylenol for pain and said it’s normal to to ache during early pregnancy and bleeding is normal as long as it’s not filling an whole pad and by me having an miscarriage 4 months ago I’m scared at this point and guess what ?!! He sent me home well today which is the 16th the pain calm down and bleeding but not enough to fill an panty liner nor pad but all of a sudden I got shoulder pain where my blade at on my right shoulder looked it up and it said ectopic pregnancy and at this point I’m scared! What should I do? Tired of them sending me home saying I’m to early to see if it’s an ectopic pregnancy or not