Hes no longer into me

I can just tell that my husband is no longer into me. And its only been 3yrs. Im no longer the 1st one he tells things to, he no longer calls or txts me when hes out. He masturbates to other women, more than sex w me. Hell, he barely looks at me during sex like how he used to. He never wants to spend time w me, he prefers his phone over me. Im a distraction to his phone. Hes never with me when hes off work. Hes always very critical and against everything i say or do. Whenever hes mad, he calls me bitch. Which hes never done this before. He checks out other women in public, in front of me. He checks out other women online. Hes no longer affectionate like before. I feel hes only staying for the kids. And he never comes home happy to me, hes always so miserable. Always giving me attitudes. Always drinking and would act out. Always cant wait to go work. He no longer calls or txt me during breaks. I understand some of these are normal, but he was never like this before, until now. Which my gut is just telling me, hes no longer into me. Idk what to do anymore. He says hes just very stress w life, but this isnt the 1st time hes stressed like this. And he didnt behave this way before while being stress. He was actually grateful for me. Now hes very ungrateful and rude to me in every way. Its like he doesnt even care where this marriage goes anymore. Should i just leave? He did say im the cause of his stress and the reason he hates life, altho i do support him, he says im not.