Is this a sign?


I cut open a yellow pepper and found 2 or 3 babys peppers inside. I hope this is a sign. We tried everything . Our fingers r crossed.. I was on femara and ovidrel shot and got a <a href="">iui</a> done no luck and my dr said I released 2 very good eggs but the 2 eggs didnt take. Our told us he had a good feeling that they would take because how my levels looked. We had hope when he told us that. In my head I keep telling myself what's wrong with me . Then I keep ask in ng myself " what did I do wrong when I miscarried Harley. We r still heart broken. But plz send preys out way. We need hope. So we talk to our dr and we want to try to have a baby naturally without meds and shot for 2 month. And he said if we dont have luck we can go back and try femara and ovidrel shot and <a href="">iui</a> again. But our fingers are crossed right now. We almost gave up hope the other day.