How should I deal with my in-laws?

Dd • Married 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏾‍♀️10/24/19🥰👦🏽 Trying to live my best life 😂😂 failing a little.

*Long post*

So I have the in-laws from the sixth circle of hell (Why not the seventh? Because they haven't murdered anyone yet. Just killed their spirits.) I'm not just talking my mother-in-law only this time. I mean his whole fricken immediate family, brother and 4 sisters, father and mother. They all hate me, dislike me, can't stand my existence etc. Problem is we work in the same place. His parents own a resturant.

Now my only brother-in-law (and manager) has been married twice in the past 2 years, his family bullying and hating both of his previous wives. Now he has a new girlfriend, that also works with us and just so happens to be one of my sister-in-laws best friends. Now that she's his girlfriend, she feels like she can boss me around. I don't feel like being a doormat so I'm not one. We're not even on the same playing field. But my in-laws love her.

Then started the bullying. They pretend I'm not there. If I say something, no one answers, if I walk near them they walk away. If I go to talk to my husband and anyone is around, they try not to let me talk with him. They hit me with plates, put beans and queso on my shirt sleeves, and bump into me when walking. Even if I say excuse me. They just bump me or don't move. They all were talking about fighting some bitch (aka me) and always being ready for something to pop off. I let it go. I need to save money so that we can move. But that doesn't mean I want to. Yesterday it went so far as that one of his sister's bumped me while I was walking forward, then pushed me and again while saying "Damn! Move!" My temper flared but I just said whatever. And my manager(their brother) just watched it and didn't say anything about her cursing at me or pushing me.

Well that's the last straw. They all talked down on my husband for wanting kids with me, even though we've been married for 2 years, but were hoping that his other brother got his new girlfriend pregnant (been together six weeks). They treat him like he's second rate and barely their sibling. He got married to me and his family didn't talk to him for 2 weeks. All these fuckers are fake as Lee press on nails and I hope they fucking get what they deserve. I'm not posting this anonymously like I did last time about my in-law problem because I want you to put a face to all this shit. I want you to see someone who doesn't deserve it and only wants to be ginuenly happy with her husband. Someone who truly needs help and advice from people who care.

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