Apparently I’m having another shower? 🤷🏼‍♀️

When I had my original shower, none of my husband’s family came because they were all “busy” (even though they RSVP’d that they were coming), so I offered to do something small here at my house to try and make them feel included. I told her I wanted to do it myself because I could be in the comfort of my own home and it could be low key. I explained that I knew I’d be further along and I’d be glad to include them, but I would be miserable having another big she-bang. My SIL was like, “Oh yeah! That would be great!”

And if that remained the plan... it would have been great. I could have them over and be low key and not really have to do too much. It would have been so small and just chill.

When I started trying to pick a date to do it, she was like, “You can’t throw your own shower! That’s crazy! We want to plan everything and make it really nice! We’ve already got things in the works!” Um... hello! I didn’t plan my own shower... my sisters did. And it was lovely. And you chose not to come. I was only doing something small at my house to be nice and try to include them. And now, less than a month before I’m due, I have to go through another shower when I’m in pain and uncomfortable. And I won’t even be home. I’ll have to be at someone else’s house and these are the type of people that, no matter how long you’ve been there, when you want to leave they always say, “You’re leaving already? Why don’t you stay a while next time.”

I’d rather just lay in my bed and not have to walk around with people touching me while I have a 6 pound baby pushing down on my cervix. 🙄 I made it very clear that I didn’t want to have another full-blown shower. Also, I had my actual shower when I was 32 weeks so I had time to plan and see what I had left to get and everything. Now I’ll be scrambling to get everything right at the end.

I know that people will say “you should be grateful” and while I understand that mentality, I also think that my feelings should be taken into consideration. I mean, if I bring someone a pet horse as a gift and they live in an apartment... it’s not really a gift. I was already a little miffed that they were all “too busy” to come to the one that my sisters had. I just wish they would have taken my situation into consideration and not tried to lay on a guilt trip about me letting them throw another full-blown shower so close to my due date.