PCOS possible diagnosis

So I recently had an appointment to see the OBGYN I was concerned because I haven't had a cycle in almost 8 months. At first, I suspected that I was pregnant because of my symptoms. Despite the negative hpt and blood test I still thought it was a chance that I was pregnant. After talking with the Dr she was almost sure that it's pcos. I got blood work done and I'm still waiting for the results. I also have a ultrasound appointment scheduled. While it's not a definite diagnosis I'm feeling like maybe that's what's going on with me after all. I don't know much about it but I've been doing my research. After the appointment I was extremely sad and depressed crying throughout the day. I know that you can still get pregnant but it's going to take a little more work to do so. I just want to know how does everybody deal with having pcos? What are you doing to try to conceive?