Struggling with my flirting game...

I’ve always known that I’m attracted to girls sexually, but never slept with a girl. Just some make out sessions when drunk basically... I’m also attracted to guys, and have been in several serious relationships with guys.

Never saw myself in a relationship with a girl...just sex I guess.

But this weekend I attended Pride in another city for the first time, and met a girl that I can’t get out of my head. She was just so....beautiful.😍 We talked, and I added her on Facebook («just in case I’m ever in town later, I could contact you»).

She flirted and I think she was hitting on me, but I became this unsecure awkward weirdo and unable to flirt back like a normal person.🙈 I totally scared her off I think...😂

I’m absolutely amazing at flirting with guys, if I may say so my self, but when it comes to girls I’m suddenly a total failure.🙄 Maybe it’s because I’ve always been the one who gets hit on when it comes to guys, but never with girls (only a few that I didn’t really find attractive...😐). So I have to make the first move with girls I guess?

I clearly need some guidance to how I should flirt and hit on girls, so if someone has any guidance to offer I would be forever thankful.🙈

And should I text that girl from Pride on Facebook, or is it a clear signal of lack of interest that she hasn’t texted me yet?😕

I never thought of beeing in a relationship with a girl before I met her, but now I do....