Feelin pathetic

Alright ima try and simplify this as much as possible. Out of a 7 year relationship 5 montha ago with my sons dad. Turns out he was cheating the whole time. I was a stay at home mom and that was the plan so when i found out he moved out but still has been paying the bills for me and my son to stay in our current home. I met a guy about 3 months ago and we started talkin all day every day. He lives 4.5 hours from me so we had limited physical time together but when we did the connection was unlike anything ever. Sex, mental, comfort, just everything so connected it hurts. He told me he is in love and loves me. He told me my happiness matters so much to him. He offered me and my son to move in but i cant do that as i need time and i don't want to introduce guys to my son like that so soon i would want to be with him for a while. So weve spent a few nights and days together, last weekend when i left his house i could tell somethin was off the next day he just wasnt talkin as much and he said he was goin through shit. So he basically ended it saying he wanta to go faster than i can and that he loves me so much he cant handle the distance and not having me every single day. Im movin super soon and ima be only 2 hours from him i told him its not gonna be easy but we can make this work without a doubt if he can just be patient and i basically begged him not to give up. He still wants to talk but it obviously hasn't been as often. He still checks on me and i can tell he cares. He says not havin me there like he would self destruct when i leave more or less. How do i get over him? He says he still wants to end up with me and will love me forever but just cant right now because it seems like we both would have to make so mnt drastic life changes for it to work. Ive never in my life felt so connected. It sounds dumb i know it was fast but he isn't like anyone i have ever been with he is so different and just a nice human. Why is this happening is there anything that i can do? Is he just bein nice or does he really care the way he said? Can we really end up together maybe? 😞😞 my heart just hurts so bad.