After twins I thought I could do anything

Lisa • Mom of 4 boys and one baby girl. Mom of a high-school graduate, preschooler in heaven, 3 year old twins and a 1 year old princess.

Maybe it’s just the fact that I have 2 25 month olds and a 3 month old, but we hardly go out anymore. With the twins I went everywhere! All the time! Alone! Now I don’t even think about braving the park let alone store with all 3 without a second set of hands. Even daycare drop off has to be a tag team deal. Why has this been a bigger challenge than the boys? Maybe she’s still young and it’ll get better? I just feel bad for the boys because we don’t go out as much anymore. Here’s a pic of our last outing, with my husband that only lasted a couple of hours because nap time of course.