In-laws getting on with parents?

My in-laws never got on with their in-laws (husbands paternal side). Whereas, my parents have always had a healthy relationship with both sets of my grandparents, being that each side would exchanged Christmas gifts each year up until the year they died.

My parents want to have that same awesome bond with my in-laws too, for the last 6 years they have sent cards and Christmas gifts despite never meeting up with them, but it is received in almost shock/slightly unwelcome feeling each time.

My parents have even spoken to me about inviting them to stay for a lovely Christmas break so that we don’t have to keep alternating between their houses every year. I’ve told them that they are kind of stuck in their ways and it would likely not be well received... it just makes me sad because our first born is on the way and it would be so nice to have holidays where both sides of the family are involved.

How do you all do it?