My family makes me miserable. What can I do?

Don’t say move out because that’s basically the worst advice in the world and I’m not old enough or financially stable. Basically all’s my family do is make me miserable I go to school every morning and then work 7 days a week aswell. I go to school 8-3 then Work 3.30 till 11 on week days and 9am to 11pm on weekends my dad never talks to me like literally ever he just walks around the house and completely ignores my existence yet always talks to my brothers and takes them places and buys them stuff but always leaves me out and whenever I have a break from work I will come home and straight away my mum will just start screaming at me for nothing or accusing me of leaving a mess or doing things I haven’t even done. It’s every single day I’m just always miserable and depressed. What can I do