3 hour glucose test & Zofran??

Sadie • Aria Marie • Holden Matthew • Baby 3 due July

So I failed my 1 hour test and have to go back for the 3 hour glucose test on Thursday morning. They told me to fast from 10 pm until the appointment is over (11 am) & that includes no gum or mints.

I asked the woman if I was able to take my dissolvable zofran tablet for nausea or if I have to “fast” from that too & she said she didn’t know!?!

She told me not to take it until I come in to the office at 8 am & ask the lab people....

I don’t think they realize that there is NO WAY I’m going to make it through 10 hours of fasting, drinking that drink, then sitting around for 3 hours, & having blood drawn 3 times... without my zofran.... it’s just not possible. I’ll throw up.

So, my questions are... does anyone know if I can take the zofran or if that will throw off the results? & does anyone have any tips as to how to get through this appointment & test without getting sick? I typically am up every 2-3 hours throughout the night getting sick so I’m really not looking forward to this.... especially if I have to go through it without my medicine.