Baby boy wasn’t moving all day!

Holly • Married💕💍 Proud mama to 1 girl and 1 boy 💙💜

I’m 34 +1 all day long my little guy wasn’t moving at all like usual. He’s pretty routine with movements. I tried a little coffee this morning, then breakfast and nothing, by lunch time he still hadn’t moved and I was a little worried so I drank a bunch of ice cold water and laid on my side. Still nothing. Had a snack and some chocolate milk again laid on my side nothing. Text my husband and let him know I’m starting to worry(I have high bp and heart rate issues and am already on bedrest) he says go ahead and call the doctor so I do and my doctors nurse advises to go to l&d so I get ready to leave and get my little girl from school and over to a friends first. A few minutes into my drive my little guy starts moving!! All day I was worried and tried everything to get him to move with no luck. I finally full out panic and start to head to the hospital and he moves a ton the whole drive to get my daughter. Smh all worried and got my husband worried just for him to have now been moving nonstop. lol. I’m glad all turned out well but dang little guy that was not cool to have me worried all day long.