My ex from 6 years ago reached out to me.

Back story: we dated through high school, he was my first love and he completely crushed me. We dated sophomore year through senior year. We applied to colleges together and I refused to stay in my hometown- I wanted out. We broke up because he decided to go to our local four year and that was the one school I refused. It crushed me and I never really had closure. I dated a horrible abuse rebound when I got to college got out of that was single for a couple years then met the man who is my husband and whom I love more than I thought possible. It took my several years to get over my high school ex but when I did it was meant to be because I am so happy and married to the man I love so dearly.

About three weeks ago my ex messages me on Facebook. We’re not friends, haven’t been in 6 years, we spoke briefly about 4 year ago when I heard his family had some major stuff come up but that was it. Periodically his mom reaches out to me to catch up or what not- not weird but her and I were always very close.

Anyway he messages me and tells me he’s sober now, I was his first best friend, he wants to discuss how we left things, he’s in a good place with a good girlfriend, doesn’t want to cross lines with my husband, etc. immediately I was irritated, why after 6 years would you do that. Then it crossed my mind that it sounds like step 9 and he’s making amends. So I message back and tell him that my husband is fine if he wants to talk, but that it was a very long time ago and we were young and I’ve moved on so I don’t need to and he shouldn’t be obligated to. I of course told my husband what was going on.

Fast forward to now and he never responded again. I honestly don’t have any need to talk to him but I’m irritated that he would reach out, I agree (kind of) then nothing. I moved on I’m happy I don’t need his but at the same time now it’s all brought back up again. If he is truly in recovery then I want him to be in a good place and to better himself and if that’s all he needed great! But I am now also so confused.

Maybe I’m just over thinking it.