

‪At the beginning of my pregnancy, it was impossible for me to fathom that a life, a soul, an entire human being was growing inside me.‬

‪During my pregnancy, the thought of me being solely responsible for another life on earth & beyond still seemed surreal.‬

‪Throughout the 48 hours of physically, mentally, & emotionally exhausting labor that I endured, I still couldn’t quite wrap my mind around the fact that I was getting ready to give birth to a child of my own. ‬

‪As I spent 45 minutes pushing him from my womb, me being moments away from becoming a mother still didn’t seem real. ‬

‪Now, as I look into the eyes of my perfect, innocent, beautiful baby boy, I still wonder how I was worthy of being chosen to be his Mommy! 💙💙‬

‪Who ever thought a human this tiny could be capable of bringing out so much love? ‬
