To move or not to move... that is the question.

So we are pregnant with baby #2 (yay!) but now we are finding that our house is very small. It’s the perfect size for our family of 3 right now. But when Baby comes, we will either need to put the toddler in the basement room, or we move downstairs and both kids will be upstairs alone. This makes me very uncomfortable.

The dilemma? We bought our house for VERY cheap about 6 years ago when the market sucked. So we pay basically nothing for our mortgage which allows us to travel frequently (which we LOVE). We’ve also done a ton of work to the house so it’s starting to feel like ours after 6 years of hard work. But no matter how many updates we do, it’s still a very tiny home.

But... because we’ve done so much work, we’re now set to make $150,000 in profit if we sell.

So... if we move we get a lot of money but will have to pay a higher monthly mortgage. And if we stay, we will be squished in the house but will also save on the mortgage each month.

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