Thought inwas in labor...


So yesterday every time the baby moved I would get horrible stabbing pain in the cervix / pelvic area. It would only happen when the baby moved, and my stomach wasn't hard all over so I figured it wasn't a contraction. I also noticed that it was WAY worse when sitting down, since there is more pressure from hunching.

Anyway husband and I went to a movie and all night I kept having horrible horrible stabbing pains all around my lower stomach and down into my cervix. Was so uncomfortable. The only relief was when I got up and stood.

I started getting nervous that maybe it was a sign of labor.. but it was not timeable and really correlated with the baby's movements.

So we got home and as soon as I stood up walked around and then laid down for bed I was totally fine!! It was so weird. This morning no pain yet, although baby is slowly waking up, no major major movements from him yet.

I have to ask my doctor about this tomorrow at my appt. Anyone else have these? I mean not lightening crotch quick pain but intense stabbing pains that don't come and go so fast.