Help??! Woke up bleeding, period ended 5 days ago??


Can someone please help me understand why I'm bleeding again? I woke up with my underwear covered in brown blood and when I wiped there was fresh blood on the toilet paper. I wasn't bleeding at all yesterday so this must've all happened overnight. I always get cramps the day before my period stsrts and I didn't get them with this. My normal period just ended 5 days ago and there was nothing weird about it. It was the same flow I usually have and length and everything so I have no idea why I'm bleeding again. The only thing I can think of is my weight maybe starting to cause irregular bleeding. I've been on keto and lost 40 pounds in the last 3 months but I'm 5'3 and 116 lbs now which is still a "normal" weight and bmi. I'm on the pill and take it religiously so this can't be ovulation bleeding. I'm so confused and worried, does anyone know what's going on?