Imma clear things up! Update!

Sunflower Ma 🌻

LADIES...IMPLANTATION ALREADY OCCURRED BEFORE YOU GOT YOUR BFP. If you got a positive test and youre bleeding or spotting its not due to implantation! Ive seen this question wayyyyyyy too many dang times! Youre probably okay! Only hcg levels and ultrasounds can really assure you that things are going in the right direction. I know everyones just worried and looking for answers! So here is the answer. We are here to support and ease your worries. If bleeding is progressing and youre feeling worse, go get checked out. There isnt anything even the best dr can do if a miscarriage is beginning but peace of mind is needed! I have been me. But chances are - its just harmless blood! But again i repeat, if youve had a positive pregnancy test its NOT implantation bleeding. Remember, the cells had to have been implanted for several days before hcg started getting produced and then you need a certain amount of hcg produced for it to show up on a test!

Update: in response to someone who is very knowledgable and has a valid point: I understand what youre saying. But it if they got their bfp already then its not from CURRENT implantation. If theres retained blood in the uterus and its now coming out at 4-6 or beyond ...weeks pregnant....its not because the cells are CURRENTLY implanting! Though i see your point that it may be FROM implantation...but it is not implantation thats currently happening. I actually didnt know a dr would still call this implantation bleeding...i thought at that point its referred to in other terms. So my bad.

So to reiterate: if youre spotting and bleeding and youre 4-6 or beyond weeks pregnant....sure it can be blood from WHEN you were PREVIOUSLY implanting. But if hcg is already producing in your body, then the cells already implanted. The blood can come later from that. Im just assuring you that it doesnt mean youre implanting RIGHT AT THAT MOMENT. Cuz if you were then you arent as far along as you think. Sorry i didnt explicitly say that before. I feel like if i was told i was just implanting right then and there that id feel discouraged i was only 2 weeks pregnant or something when i thought i was 6 weeks...or whatever. Just an example.

I also see from some peoples comments that they may be a rare exception to the rule. There always is. And that is also why you just must always see a dr for a real explantation for whats going on in your body.

I wish my tone could come out in text. And that I was trying to ease worries a little and not tryin to be a beyotch. My heart was furthest from that. But yet this app...i swear everything can get taken the wrong way. So if i pissed someone off im sorry. Know that that wasnt my intention and i also apologize i wasnt clearer in my explanation.