Can’t tell my story quite yet...(sorry it’s so long!)


Hi mamas! I am the one who went in to be induced Sunday night and was terrified. Well, I had every right to be. I wish I could tell the entire story but that’s not possible as I am taking legal actions because of what happened to me and my child, he was flown out to a different hospital and I didn’t see him for three days. I am sitting at home at 5:22 am typing this without my son and slowly breaking down because all of it’s coming back to me since I’m not in the hospital on all of the pain medication. They thought I was going to die and that my son wasn’t going to make it either. I ended up making them give me a c-section after ONLY 20 minutes of pushing because he wouldn’t fit through the birth canal and I felt something was very wrong, they wouldn’t listen the first 5 times I told them that I couldn’t do it and that it hurt too bad (he was crooked in my side before I started pushing and my doctor told me that as I push he would get into his natural position and he never did) they kept telling me that it’s not that bad and that “I”was putting my sons life in danger if I didn’t calm down because his heart rate was dropping (because of stress and not being able to fit, not because i wasn’t strong enough to push) and THEN they tried the vacuum and I had okayed it, then I saw how big it was and thought about how small my babies head would be and the started screaming and telling them never mind but it was already too late, they took it off and realized how bad they had screwed up and took me back for an emergency c section, did the epidural and didn’t test to see if I was numb before putting something on my stomach that caused me to scream in pain (I’m assuming they were cutting me open) so I screamed at them saying I could still feel everything and they were shocked and didn’t really believe me so they started pinching my skin very hard and I started yelling saying “i can feel that” they say “you can REALLY feel that” and I go “YES, you’re pinching me stomach of course I can feel it” so they started freaking out and had to put me all the way under and I didn’t get to see my son until today, September 20th. We wouldn’t have gotten through any of this without prayer and I’m so grateful for my husband, he was so brave through it all and he kept his and my family so calm even though he was about ready to break down. He thought that I was going to die and once did he let anyone know how bad it was because he knew that I wouldn’t want that. It would kill my entire family. I can already see the tears when I tell in full detail what happened to the lawyer. I’m so happy baby boy is alive and well.

The vacuum left a huge red mark on his head, he has a big scab from the internal heart monitor. He has swelling on his head along with fluid build up. Levi is doing so good and we’re praying that they’ll let us bring him home today! Pray that I can ride with my husband to see him, my legs are so swollen that it doesn’t look like that have a shape and it’s so painful. I’ve been off my feet for almost 10 hours now and by the time I wake up it’ll even longer than that 😕