Fast & Furious Natural Birth

Maylon • Happily Married : Mom to 2 Boys : Cason Kole 12.8.16 💙 Colby Lee 9.20.18 💙

Around 34 weeks I decided I should probably look into techniques for having a natural labor without pain meds since that was what I desired to do this time around (last labor I was induced at 37+3 due to falling and spraining my ankle and didn’t like the experience-and did have an epidural). I came across hypnobirthing and at first thought it sounded funny but gave it a try and actually really ended up liking it. I read most of the book of the Mongan Method and looked up looks to of stories/techniques/tips etc on YouTube. Explained it to my hubby an told him what to expect and if I would ask for pain meds that we had a rule I would have to ask three times and it couldn’t be 3 contractions in a row. Fast forward to finally actually being in labor... 9/19 I was 40+2 and I was laying down to go to sleep and was laying there for just a few minutes when POP I felt like my body moved and I swear I heard a pop and it felt like a balloon went off inside me. I was stunned but knew I should probably go to the bathroom as I’m assuming that was my waters that broke. So I go and sure thing I pee and then once I stop there’s still liquid dripping into the toilet. I’m excited-I’ve been waiting for this! So I go to bed and wake up my hubby and tell him I think I’m in Labor my water just broke and he sits there for a second and says okay? So I tell him yeah so that means it’s time we call my mom to come over since our son is sleeping. So we do that and grab the last of our things to put in the labor bag. Once my mom arrives we go to the hospital about 35 miles away. I have probably 3 contractions in the car that I practice my breathing on. Get to the hospital at 12:30 and they check us in- which was so annoying because they immediately hook you up to monitors and get an IV placed and ask so many ?’s. My contractions are picking up quick. She checks me and im 3-4 cm which is what I was the day before at my appt. so I’m not surprised. My contractions are coming stronger and faster and I’m trying to keep my cool and stay limp not tense up and breathe and I’m doing good I just really wanted to get out of the bed and walk or bounce on a ball but they were waiting to get my history and make sure there’s no reason why I should stay hooked up to monitors. Finally she says ok we can take you off and let you go to the bathroom. By that point I get a couple really strong contractions and I’m sitting on the toilet peeing and puking and not having any fun lol. Once I catch my breath from puking I am telling my husband forget everything I said give me the epidural and I mean it tell her I’ll sign that paper. He later tells me at this point I wonder if you’re testing me haha. So we get out the bathroom and finally there’s a ball there for me to bounce which helped so much...he tells the nurse she was just puking and she wants to sign that paper and get the epidural. The nurse says hmm she puked? That could be a sign she’s progressed (and she’s been watching me breath seeing how fast my contractions changed to how close together they were now) so she tells me to get in the bed. You guys, I’m not going to lie I hated that bed it makes things so much more intense when I had to sit or lay back. She checks me and says I’m at an 8 I won’t have time for an epidural and she’s going to call my doctor. Holy crap I’m shocked cuz I’m n transition and they say that’s when you get weak cuz it’s pretty hard getting through that phase. Not only that but it hasn’t been very long and sure I’ve heard people’s stories with hypnobirthing and the births being fast but I wasn’t thinking I would be one of them and definitely not quite that fast! So I tell them I’m feeling pressure and things happening down there after just a few more contractions so she asks to check me again and I’m 9-10 but the anterior of my cervix needs to thin a little more and not to push. Yeah I know what they mean now when they talk about your body takes over and pushes it’s not really something you can control. At this point I feel like I’m dying and I check to make sure there’s no options for pain relief and she says no you’re too far it could affect babies breathing. Soon after I’m like screaming from the contractions and trying not to push but my body just is and my doctor walks in. They check me and I’m ready so they put up the stirrups. Long story shortened I push for probably 10-15 minutes and my baby boy is born. He was pretty purple from the cord around his neck so he was taken to the warming table next to me after dad cut the cord and then he let out some cries and was looking good. He was born at 2:13 AM. Basically less then two hours from when I was starting contractions getting strong to delivery. I’m happy it went the way it did and wow recovery so far has been so much easier on me, even though I did get a episiotomy I’m really not that sore somehow. I’m glad I was able to do it and am happy with how my labor experience went this time around 💙 here’s a picture of my newest bundle of joy- Colby Lee weighing 8 lbs 11 oz and 20” long

And big brother meeting little brother