I need to hear your story!!

Kiera • 20 • JGP💙🧞‍♂️ • In a relationship • 👸🏼

So my due date is between the week of November 24th to November 30th. November 24th being from my last menstrual and November 30th by the size of baby. Since I was about 15 weeks I’ve been stuck on laboring at home for as long as possible so I don’t have to get an epidural. I’ve heard too many horror stories about the epidural. And plus I’m absolutely terrified of needles. They would need the whole labor and delivery floor in there holding me down.

I’m not nervous or scared for labor at all actually I’m so ready!!!! But..... I keep hearing about this perineal tear. And it’s kinda freaking me out! Like it’s all I could think about I’ve done so much research and I’m just scaring myself.

Did your baby rip you? Or did you get cut? How many pounds was he/she? Did you get an epidural or go natural? Did you need stitches? Did you feel them stitching you back up?

Thank you so much ladies!!! I wanna hear all about it!