Tooooo sooon?!??


My fiancé is wanting to start trying for another baby! We have 2 girls! One is 4 and the other is almost 9 months! I think he is crazy! We waited so long to try for our second because I was really enjoying our first! I feel content with our girls but I know he really wants to try for a boy... I told him 3 is my limit and I’m happy where we are right now that I want to enjoy our girls and in a couple years see then and he told me that when ever I’m ready to start trying again just know he will always be ready! Ugg he makes it impossible to say no let’s wait lol but I’m sticking to my guns and waiting til I’m ready! I told him I may not even want another I’m that content with our girls (and I have a semi traumatic experience with our second) he got upset when I said that. He wants one more boy or girl the. He said he’s getting snipped :/

To soon for another?!?!