Just finished our first IUI 💕

RM 💕

We’re dealing with strictly male factor infertility. We had low motility but we went for it anyway. I had 5 mature follicles. Did the trigger shot Wednesday night. Right now I’m cramping like crazy and having a crazy amount of pressure in my pelvic area!

I did Clomid 100mg from cycles day 3-7

Gonal-F injections for several days

Trigger shot on Wednesday

(Follicles measured from 15mm-19mm)

Nurses said I had a ton of EWCM and my cervix was super high up that they had to have me nearly hang off the table to be able to get the speculum and see it 😂

Waiting on progesterone prescription to be filled. Pregnancy test scheduled for October 5th.

💕💕💕💕 I’m filled with a lot of different emotions. I’m just happy my doctor wanted to go all in even though we were only dealing with MFI.