Hes here and i’m in love


So I went to the Maternity Assessment Unit on the 11/09/18 to be assessed as I thought my waters had broke and they hadn’t, so getting ready to leave and doctor comes to see me as I don’t really feel movements and never really have they have made the decision to induce me that night!😱😱

Ok so I have 2hrs to go home get my things, my partner and sort my 9year old out.

Im admitted and the first propess is inserted and does nothing, I can feel period pains but as I suffered with severe period pains they don’t really bother me although contractions are being picked up on CTG monitor im not feeling them. The 12/09, start having contractions throughout day and think this may be it but no they stop and I have a good nights sleep after 2nd propess inserted.

13/09- contractions start @ 17:00pm and I use my tens machine for pain relief but they become intense and my water breaks, the midwife checks me and tells me I’m not dilated n placenta is high posterior and I can have pethidene as Im not going to deliver in the next 4 hrs but boy was she wrong!

20 minutes later, im begging for gas and air and they want to check me again as think its too early nope i’m 5cms and they move me to a delivery room!

Time i get on bed and they are trying to get my antibiotics through and monitor babys heart rste, i have the urge to push and listen to my body.

They tell me its too early and check and im 10 cm and give me the go ahead to push!

My labour timed at 35 minutes and 1hr45 minutes from waters breaking and he’s perfect!

Born @18:24pm 13/09/18 weighing 7lb6oz @38weeks