Early labor


So my due date is oct 24..currently am 35 +2 ..last Friday at my regular visit with my midwife I explained to her on Thursday that I was feeling cramping and very bad lower back pain so she sent me straight to labor and delivery because she said it sounds like I’m having contractions..so I get there thinking not much of the situation just that they’re gonna examine me and I should be on my way..so they examined me and said I was 2 and 1/2 cm dilated! Mind you this was at 34 weeks so yes I was freaking out..after 2 bags of iv,steroid shots to speed up my baby’s lung development and morphine I was sent home nearly 6 hours later..had to go back for a second shot of steroids the next day! Now a week later since that the same thing happened yesterday night..cramps with back pain to the point where I couldn’t stand straight..went back to labor n delivery at 2ish am..the nurse checked me and says omg it looks like your water is about to burst! 😳 after a few hours of monitoring thankfully I didn’t dilate anymore so they sent me home. Praying that baby will stay in till atleast Wednesday at 36 weeks to give me a little more relief 🙏🏼