35 wks & 2 days

Jamie • Happily Married 💛 Always&ForEver 💛 ILuvU!

my lil girl was born wed at 430am...

let's talk like I mean Mommy lets be for real! I never thought labor would be so difficult and so hard... I got into I went through 6 things just to make sure my uterus was dilating I finally dilated at 3. and I went through hell then the epidural came I cried after that we did a C-section oh my God I'm in so much pain my body hurts I just want to get back to normal... wearing these diaper pads not able to wipe my ass relying on all these nurses is not fun!! not able to get out of bed with staple stitches.. it's so hard imagine going through this all alone but I'm very grateful and my husband to help me get out of bed wipe my ass and tell me it's going to be okay and that it will be all worth it... I really want to breastfeed my child if I can I'm totally fine with that but I'm trying my best to get milk out for her so she doesn't have to be on formula.. my little girl is so tiny 3 lbs & 8 oz

well ill leave it at that.