Pregnancy bleeding for 5 weeks

Kerry • Mummy to 👼💙💖👼 💙

So at 5 weeks I found out I had a hematoma and was bleeding on and off mostly brown blood but since Tuesday it’s been red and even gushes of blood a few times . Went to the hospital Tuesday thinking the baby that I had only seen the day before was gone but there it was heat beating and no possible reason for the heavy bleeding especially as I got told the bleed was nearly all gone the day before and maybe have a few days of bleeding left. But here I am still bleeding . It causing my anxiety to go through the roof as I can’t leave the house for too long just incase. I have mild cramps when I am actually bleeding . Surly over 5 weeks of bleeding is enough I just want to feel happy to be pregnant not scared .

Has anyone else bled this long in their pregnancy as at the moment I kept thinking I am going to loose this baby at some point. I am even off work since it happened.