I think my boyfriend is upset because I have friends?

My boyfriend knows this but all of my high school life has been wasted due to me being on suicide watch and going to therapy group sessions when I was molested on campus when I was 14. I was in a very dark time and tonight I realized that I have a chance at being happy again and that I deserve to be happy and surrounded by love and friends! I’m in college now and I’ve been making friends and I never connected with one of my classmates like this! our friendship is genuine and pure! I feel like she has motivated me to be a better me! She recently wrote an essay about mental illness in our English class we have together and it really spoke to me. It brought me out of the dark. The other night my boyfriend said I could rant to him about my feelings and so I haven’t as of lately because I don’t want to pressure him or make him feel like he’s my therapist so I usually keep everything to myself. Earlier I was crying tears of joy because I genuinely believe I have a place on this earth and I told my boyfriend how happy I feel and he told me “so your friend brought you out of the hole?” I was so excited tonight to tell him my progress when he got out of work but he shot me down and I feel so low and now I feel that my feelings have been disregarded.

Edit he broke up with me (first pic)