

I’m not asking for judgment but have any of you ever dealt with some incarcerated? my story is beyond crazy with him.

I am 21 & I am never dated plus I’m still a virgin. I know being single can also be a great thing but I really do think I am ready for relationship so I tried dating apps $ of course, I already know what I would expect, the perverts.. the guys who just want you for your ass, etc. & I actually did come across a couple nice guys but they didn’t last. & I have always had guys want me for my ass, it’s was just not a good feeling, so I was really getting emotionally set up & I was gonna delete my profile off of POF, & I came across this guy.. he was so sweet, funny as hell, very good looking & so kind, out chemistry was just great. I messaged him first, we talked, he lagged & later on I found out why, (man of the house & a boxer) then we swapped numbers, I hate swapping numbers, I hate giving out my social media so I figured if he is not a good guy I could just block him but now he’s everything, his effort was everything.. I never met anyone like him before it’s still so unbelievable how great he is & I literally have been praying for someone like him. & I told God to not let me be afraid to date a man that was meant for me. & I wasn’t afraid if him, the other guys I was. we started to get to know each other, he told me about his ex & originally I didn’t understand why he told me. she was possessive & she was wanting proof of who & where he was & would hound his family & he just didn’t like it so he broke up with her. she wound come around after hours; trying to get him to take her back. kind of annoyed me but there wasn’t much I can do. he even told her in a polite way, multiple times, that he did not want anything to do with her; she would never take no for an answer so one night she got her brother involved. (I live an hour away from each other so we didn’t get chance to meet) one thing he did tell me is that he’s busy, he’s a boxer & the second man of the house so helps pay the bills so he said if there’s days I go without talking to you, it’s not intentional or he’s not doing it to be a dick. so after a month or so, three days passed & I thought this is what he was talking about (lowkey I didn’t have a good feeling) so his friend messaged me saying he was in jail. before those three days that he called me saying he got in a fight with her brother.. one thing led to another & her parents pushed charges (mind you the bro is about 25 years or older &my guy is 22 now). Idk how long afterwards, his ex got a hold of my & (that’s a different story it’s self) & girl is psycho! telling me she still loves him; going to do what it takes to get him back & I’m spitting knowledge telling her why does she really think he’s going to take her back after she put him in jail. he’s been in there about five months, tbh my gut tells me to stay & I miss him so much & I rarely get to hear from him.. this guy risks his sentence to call me about 3 times already. And it’s so crazy how I met his 2nd friend, I swear I did not go looking for his friend (first friend Is a whole another story) I messaged him first & I asked him, how he got into boxing & that’s how we found out we were talking about the same person. right now I’m in contact with that friend but it’s hard to because we don’t keep in touch every day maybe once or twice a week if that. his friend says I’m good match for him & he understands why I make him happy.