We are struggling to conceive #4


Brief backdrop: We have three children. My first two pregnancies (at age 20 and 22) were unplanned. My third pregnancy at age 29 was planned. We decided we wanted a third and were pregnant by the end of the month. In other words, we have never had to actively “try” to get pregnant.

My third was born in May 2017 via c-section. We decided a month later that we wanted a fourth, preferably very close in age to #3. We began TTC. Didn’t think it would happen immediately as I was exclusively breastfeeding and my hormones felt out of wack still from the surgery. But here we are, 15 months later, and we haven’t been able to conceive.

I started using OPK strips a few months ago. I get a surge every month but am not sure I actually ovulate, so I’m going to start tracking my BBT. Maybe see a reproductive endocrinologist?

I’m feeling very frustrated and heartbroken. Especially since this month my period was 5 days late and I had my hopes up that I was finally pregnant.

Has anyone experienced anything similar? Having trouble conceiving after a c-section? Or maybe it’s my age? Any advice as to what more we should be doing?

Pic of my littles for attention.❤️