Prayers and advice would be appreciated!

Jalaya • Soon to be mommy of twins due May 2019 ❣️

About 5 days ago I found out I was pregnant. I was 4 days late on my period and was peeing frequently. Now, I thought I had a UTI because I’ve had them before and it would explain the constant peeing even when I didn’t actually have to go. Another reason we decided it was time for me to take a test is because I was experiencing horrible and constant cramping, but there wasn’t any blood.

Now fast forward to yesterday September 21, my boyfriend and I went to the hospital because the constant cramping hadn’t gone away. They took a urine and blood sample and confirmed my pregnancy along with the 3 home tests I did there was no way it was a mistake. I also had an ultrasound done and the results came back inconclusive.. the doctor told me that I am either not that far along yet to see anything or because I am having constant cramping that I may be having a miscarriage.. my question is which is more likely because they couldn’t give me an answer.. I went to urgent care before the hospital and was told I was 5 weeks.

Can you not see anything at 5 weeks? I asked the ultrasound technician if she saw the baby and she said “No, and I honestly wasn’t expecting to this early” Not comforting at all given the results..

They’re going off of my last period and not when the baby was conceived so could I be less than 5 weeks? Or am I actually having a miscarriage? We have an appointment with an OBGYN on Monday, but I wanted the option of other mommies..

Thanks for reading 💗