2 days till due date... (little rant)


Baby girl is due Monday and I’m still only 2cm and 80% effaced...been having consistent contractions for over 2 weeks and have had many false calls and trips to L&D. My OB who has been saying for weeks that I would have our baby any day has told me that she won’t consider even scheduling and induction till after my due date and ideally it wouldn’t be till next week if we scheduled one. I’ve tried everything I can think of to induce labor or keep my contractions consistent but nothing has been working. (Sex, clary sage, exercise ball, walking, nipple stimulation) I hadn’t slept 4 days and was starting to feel really anxious and depressed and raised this concern to my doctor and she told me everyone is miserable towards the end of pregnancy (I’ve been diagnosed as bipolar so I was really concerned as I’m unmedicated) she finally told me I could take Tylenol pm. At this point I’m just scared my body will tire and my little progress will slow down even more.