Birth Story :-)


Baby girl was born 1124am on Thuradsy after an induction. I should have known it was going to be a challenging birth after it took three tries to insert my IV into my arm. I usually never have issues with needles or getting an IV yet somehow they kept messing it up. But anyway. Finally I got my IV and they started the pitocin. Contractions started l to get stronger but they weren't really bad. Then suddenly I thought I peed on myself lol. The nurse came in to check my dilation (I was at 2cm when I came in) and I said "sorry but I think I peed on myself". She went down and checked for dilation and more water came out. It was then that I knew it was show time! I steadily progressed from there. The contractions started coming more frequently and much stronger so I asked for my epidural. I informed the anesthesiologist that I do have scoliosis but she said that wouldn't matter really. So I get the needle inserted and something felt off. I had two children prior with epidurals and it never hurt or was uncomfortable. This time I felt a tingle down my right leg. So I'm like okay that was weird. So after a little while my right leg went numb but somehow my left leg and pelvis were still unaffected. I could still feel each and every contraction and by then they were something fierce. I was advised to try laying on my left side to get the epidural to work on the left. However I had no success. But after maybe 30 more minutes I could feel baby girl dropping so low that I just knew it was time to push. So hubby called the midwife in and it was time. I was in so much pain that it was hard to remain focused on pushing. Baby girl was face up so she somewhat got stuck during the pushing. At that point I was in agony and I was seriously rethinking this whole pregnancy thing lol. But of course it was too late. All I could do was struggle to push her out. After some wonderful coaching from the nurses and midwives I finally pushed baby girl out. Later I was informed that her position was probably why the epidural didn't work. I'm so grateful for the experience. Women are amazing. But I never want to do a natural birth again lol. Epidural please dont let me down anymore 😫. Now I have lovely back pain on top of sore crotch lol. But baby girl is gorgeous. Well worth the labor