Feeling annoyed

Tarah • Kamdyn 💙 Kleo 💜 and baby wonder due 11/2/2021 🖤

I will be 8 weeks tomorrow, sadly I have yet to tell anyone but the father and my best friend... anyway I have been beyond annoyed with everything. Everything my boyfriend does annoys the crap out of me and I want to choke him. My son annoys me, hell I even annoy myself!! Anyone else feeling frustrated? I’m not sure if its pregnancy hormones or the fact that I just started a new job ( after being off work for a month) so now I’m catching up on bills, I’m looking for a new place and am trying to be out of this place by end of October, and the stress of my 5 year old, along with this secret I’m keeping from my mother and father. I don’t know but I think I’m going to end up exploding!