Does anyone else not have homecoming at their school?

Mikayla • I’m bisexual, and I love reading, Harry Potter, musicals, superhero’s, MCR, TØP, and p!atd.

My school doesn’t. We get a spirit dance instead. Here’s the thing your not supposed to wear anything nice. Football players half to wear there uniform. Cheerleaders do to. The rest of us half to wear jeans and a T-shirt with are school team. It’s basically a rip off of homecoming. I know prom is only for juniors and seniors, and I was looking forward to homecoming. I’m not that girly but I my dress and all that jazz planed in my head. I love getting dressed up for special events because it makes me feel pretty and a little confidence. I don’t have any self esteem, and I thought this would be fun. Do I have a right to be upset? And is it ok to feel cheated out of a huge high school experience, or am I over reacting and I need to take a chill pill?

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