What would you do? Dog/baby problem

Backstory: my parents have a dog. He’s 2. They never trained this dog, who is food aggressive, toy aggressive, and just aggressive in general in every way.

My parents have a full apartment style basement that we rent from them so we skip the apartment and go straight into buying a home. But of course, having a grandchild live so close, my mom ALWAYS has us with her wanting to be with my son.

Their dog has nipped and growls DAILY at my toddler (16 months) for doing nothing. We have other dogs so he knows how to behave with them and none of the other dogs are like this. He’s never alone with the dog either. This dog has done it since the beginning and he does it to everyone (as I stated before, he is a HORRIBLY aggressive dog). My son was walking up to the couch the dog was sitting on and the dog growled & nipped at him. My son hadn’t even touched the couch yet.

I am SO over being constantly worried for my child about this dog. And my son constantly being reprimanded by my parents to “be careful” “be nice to this dog, he’s mean” “no Liam don’t go near him” constantly as if HES the problem, not the dog. I am to my wits end, because my parents DO NOT do anything about this problem. They treat the dog like a god (this isn’t a joke) and basically talk to my son like my son is the problem.

I am over it. Beyond over it. I went off today when he went at my son for the MILLIONTH time. I told my mom that my son will not be around anymore because I’m sick of risking my child for this dog. They won’t keep the dog outside. They’ve said before that they’d keep the dog in other rooms, they don’t keep that promise for more than a day.

I don’t trust to leave my child with them anymore with this dog around. They don’t punish the dog for these actions besides “no dude” and set him outside for 10 mins tops.

I’m done with the situation because I do not want my child ending up bit over this dog.

What would you do in this situation? My parents act like I’m overreacting.

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