Baby girl name help please!


So ladies I need some help. I am stuck between a few baby girl names. My husband really likes the name Lyanna, and I really like Emilia. Amelia was my grandmothers name, and I was extremely close to my grandmother. She is unfortunately no longer with us. I was always set on naming my daughter Amelia if i ever had one.

So background was that when we were pregnant with my son, we had a boy name and a girl name picked out. Obviously the girl name was Amelia, with the middle name jean. We only told one person what our girl name was, which we would be saving for if we ever did have a daughter. We told my mother-in-law. Well two months after my son is born my husbands cousin has a daughter named Amelia Jane. A month before she was born we had talked and they didnt have a name picked out. Turns out my mother-in-law offered up the name we had picked out. I was heartbroken.

Now our little girl is due on 11/28, and we cant decide on a name. I thought maybe if i changed the spelling i would be ok, but I find myself torn. I keep thinking of the other little girl named Amelia. My husband is fine with both names, but I just dont know.

I appreciate your help!

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