Here’s what I did differently this month.

Hi girls,

I just found out I am pregnant again after having a miscarriage on June 7th. Ironically, my due date is now June 8th.. which also happens to be a day before my birthday.

I have long cycles, typically 6 week cycles and I ovulate around cycle day 26. I was told I possibly have PCOS because of my long cycles and an ultrasound that revealed bulky ovaries. I also have a polyp on my uterus. This month I changed a few things and I actually ended up ovulating on cycle day 18! This is very rare for me!

That being said, I wanted to share my story with you girls in hopes that maybe it will work for you too. Keep in mind I have no idea if this was a coincidence or not but I figure it is worth a try.

1. I got preseed. I only inserted it once, the very first day I got my positive OPK, the rest of the time we used it like normal lube.

2. As soon as my period ended I started doing fertility yoga everyday. I followed this video on youtube below. I also did this back in May when I got pregnant with my chemical and this was the first month I did it again (coincidence.. maybe.. but worth a shot!). I stopped doing it the day I got my positive OPK! Apparently it is recommended that you do not do fertility yoga or massage after ovulation? Not sure if this is true but I did stop just incase!

3. I started doing fertility massage right after my period. I would do my yoga and follow it up with this massage that I found on pinterest. Again, I stopped as soon as I got my positive OPK

4. I cut back on caffeine. I did not have more than one small cup a day (just enough to get my fix! Lol)

5. I made smoothies with ice, a little bit of water, spinach, avocado and organic berries (strawberries, raspberries and blackberries.

6. I started rebound training again, something I have not done since my miscarriage. This is exercising by jumping on a mini trampoline. Sounds silly but it is a great workout and lots of fun! This was the first month starting back since my miscarriage so I don’t know if it played a role in my BFP or not but worth a try! Again, I stopped this after my positive OPK and do not rebound while pregnant!

7. I had a positive attitude! I kept saying this is my month. I will get pregnant! Previous months I had been so negative and stressed right out!

I hope and pray this little one is here to stay and I hope and pray you get your BFP next. I hope some of these tips can be helpful to you too, as I mentioned I do not know if this played a part in my BFP but definitely worth a try!

Baby dust to you beautiful ladies! Never give up! 🌈❤️