Vitex for irregular periods

Slowly but surely getting more regular

Just had to rave about this supplement real quick

I was on birth control for 4 years and took myself off of it last October and didn’t get a period for nearly a year after stopping it and found out a few months ago that I have anovulatory cycles and my ovaries are polycystic (bunch of little cysts and fibroids on my ovaries) called pcos

*but I had my hormones checked and they said my levels where normal, which to me made no sense, after researching what pcos is, it’s basically a hormonal imbalance, I was put on progesterone before. But blood work showed my levels were normal at the time.

I started taking Vitex at the end of May and by the middle to end of July I had my first natural period. ( exactly two weeks after getting an ultrasound and blood work) It was a little lengthy, it lasted about 10 days but I had little to NO pms symptoms at all and honestly I had a normal period so I wasn’t complaining.

I purchased another bottle and got a bit discouraged when I realized I was at cycle day 57, but the very next day I got my period!! I had pms symptoms days leading up to my period and it lasted 7 days on the dot. Day 5 was extremely light and then it just tapered off.

I got my first period at 12 years old and I am now 22 years old and I have NEVER had a regular period. Usually missing them for 3-4 months at a time before going on birth control. Never have I ever gotten a period less than 2 months apart.

Extremely hopeful of this miracle stuff in a bottle

I made a post about it awhile ago and got a lot of comments on it and I couldn’t edited the post, I used this brand but 650mg, just one capsule in the morning

I would stop taking it the week you’re supposed to get your period, as I found this is usually when I get my period. Wishful and hopeful thinking also plays a big roll in it and try not to stress yourself out, just keep telling yourself “I’m gonna get my period”

We’ve been trying to conceive for a year so I’ve spent the last year trying to get back in tune with my body because

I haven’t felt like myself in a while. Going through all of this made me realize how out of whack my hormones were and how detrimental it’s been to my health.

I used to be so okay with skipping periods, because “yay no tampons and going through my panties because of how horribly heavy my periods were and the debilitating cramps) and I thought it was normal, but it is NOT.

Please take care of yourself ladies, I went to 4/5 different doctors and they all told me that’s just how my body is “I just don’t ovulate regularly like everyone else” before someone took my symptoms seriously and ordered an ultrasound...