Second time pregnant - is a baby shower tacky?

Zehra • 👩‍👦 Mom to two wonderful little boys who are my everything. Baby #2 born Jan 2019 at 33 weeks.

So a little background on my situation. I have a son who is now 10 years old. I never thought I could get pregnant again, and every doc was of the same opinion. They suggested surrogacy if I wanted to add to my family.

Well I was in for a shock this summer when I found out I am pregnant!

I have NOTHING from my first pregnancy. All his baby toys, furniture, supplies, I gave to new moms who needed stuff, thinking I’d never have need for those things again. Now I’m scrambling to find anything that I might have saved. Except for the crib that I simply could not find a taker for, I have nothing.

I know it’s quite frowned upon to have a second baby shower. Most moms settle on a sprinkle for a baby who is of the opposite gender (which he is not!). What would you suggest for a baby that is comes this late after the first?

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