Not this shit again. Sanity at risk. HELP.

I’m 17 & turn 18 next month but I’m by no means financially stable enough to move out & make it on my own. At least not until I approach graduation as I’ll be over with ap tests, scholarship & college applications, etc.

At 14, my mom allowed my bf to live with us. He was abusive, controlling and VERY jealous. At 15-16, my ex (then new bf), had gotten kicked out & my mom let him stay with us. He was very insecure and clingy. He was toxic! Now, at 17/18, my mom wants to let my now bf stay with us & I CANNOT GO THROUGH THIS AGAIN. He’s been staying with us temporarily until he finds a place. He’s already been showing me the jealousy and controlling signs. I have no say in this because my mom is in debt rn so she basically wants to rent him a room for him to stay but I don’t want him to stay. I don’t even feel the same about him anymore. This is stressing me tf out. Just today I felt like I was set free from this toxicity and I gained self esteem/confidence & hope. I felt like a new person... then the bomb was dropped on me. I’m about to lose my shit

Update: it’s not like I’m specifically choosing jealous, controlling guys. anyone who’s been in a toxic relationships know that it doesn’t become toxic from the start. It starts with small details that you don’t tend to pay attention to & it grows from there. Like I said, he’s been showing me signs of controlling & jealousy