Updated: What do I do with this BFP?

So my boyfriend and I had been trying to get pregnant for 4 months, after having a miscarriage last year at 16 weeks.

Well Thursday he decided he wanted to break up. Texted me and told me he was moving out, and when I got home from work he was gone. I had suspicions that I was pregnant for about a week, but I didn't say anything because I was planning on surprising him if that were the case... well after Thursday I kept thinking Lord please don't let me be pregnant right now....

The past few days have been nothing but back and forth me trying to get him to talk to me, and him basically ignoring me. He keeps saying he still loves me and he doesn't know what he wants.... haha well I found out today that he was with another girl last night, who he swears he did nothing with, but that's not the point right?

SO, I took 4 strip tests yesterday and all 4 came back very positive. What the hell do I do? I should be thrilled because this was what we'd wanted for 4 months, but I'm scared. Do I tell him? Do I not tell him? What do I do and how should I do it? He has been treating me like crap and I'm so confused on what is the right thing to do here.


I told him. He just came to get some of his left over things from my apartment. He sent his friend to the door instead of coming himself. I just held out my hand with the tests, his friend said he would take them down to him and he'd come to talk to me. So I walked out to the balcony where I could watch to see when he was coming. I watched his friend hand him the tests, and he threw them out the window and drove away... now what