Fuck love

Hailey • Fifteen

The words I love you are said to much but meant to little. Why do we love others who hurt us, who kill us inside? Why do we love others that don’t love us back?Why do we have to love people who’s main reason in life is to hurt others? For example,my father. He tells me he loves me. He tells me he is doing the things he does because he loves me. But let me ask you something. Would you let your daughter go because you love her? Would you call your daughter names because you love her? Would you scare her by physically getting mad at her for something so stupid because you love her? Tell me would you fucking break her heart because you love her? No, I didn’t think so.

This world is filled with too many lies that need to be recognized, too many secrets that need to be told. But the one thing that this cruel world hides from us all....is that love isn’t real, and it won’t be there when we fall.