Dont Give up! (Sorry for it being long)

Me and my s.o have been together 8yrs on September 23rd. When we met I was 15 and he was 19. We had never used condoms except for the first time we did it and that condom only lasted about 5 min before tossing it off (we had both been checked for std's first) anyways we had a couple of scares in the beginning and I called them scares then because of how young we were. Well years passed and we thought that we were just lucky and he knew how to pull out right on time. Then a couple more years went by and I started wanting a family but things wernt going as planned. My period where all over the place when they finally decided to show up. I gained weight rapidly, my depression was getting the best of me and I started getting dark spotting in places that where embarrassing. Although my s.o didn't care I knew something was wrong so I went in to see my doctor many times with no answer other than "Its because of you weight" so I finally started seeing different gynecologist & 3 DRs later I was told I had PCOS. That was the ultimate slap in the face. Since I was a little girl my dream "job" was to be a stay at home mommy. I spent so many nights and days crying and praying for a baby but still recieved negative after negative. I felt so useless. After support from my s.o and loved ones we decided that when we were ready we would do watever steps necessary to concieve and If that didn't work my cousin said she would carry for us and we also talked & looked into adoption. But thru the prayers of My family, friends, s.o and myself we didnt have to go that far. I had been feeling really tired so we both planned that morning to make up an excuse and leave work early just so we can go home and relax together. Something told me to ask my s.o to stop and get a "pt" before coming home since the weekend was oming up, so he did and not thinking it was gonna be positive It was. I took another and got the same. Went to the ER and was told I was 6 weeks and 2 days which makes me exactly 7 weeks today. It all happened when we least expected it and were not mentally obsessing over it. Im so happy and grateful God blessed us with a little angel. Please Ladys do not give up. Pray every day and have fun trying to concieve.