Cinnamon to regulate periods

Hi! I am 25 and was just diagnosed with PCOS without cysts. My period is every 3 months fairly consistently now. I am 5'6" and 135 lbs and not hairy. I don't meet many of the qualifications for PCOS but apparently my lab results indicated the diagnosis. I am a labor and delivery nurse and always looking for natural remedies before resorting to medications and I have recently gotten baby fever and we are thinking  of trying to conceive early next year and want to try to get my periods more normal and regular. I found a study that found a link between taking cinnamon as a supplement and  having more frequent periods for women with PCOS. I started taking Cinnamon last week and will keep you updated on if it helps at all. My last two periods were 85 days apart. If anyone wants to do this with me I am taking 2000 mg of cinnamon every day. I figure it's worth a try before I resort to using medication.