I hate Down Reg!

Lauren • Baby Boy#2 through ivf/icsi

Been on Suprecur to down reg for 16 days now and still no period. Had a baseline scan and blood test today. The scan showed my follicles have gone wild and have grown to nearly 17mm which is more than likely the reason my period hasn’t arrived. The unfairness of it all is getting to me, I’m struggling with my moods, my boobs feel like I’m injecting into my nipples and I have period pains constantly but no period! Waiting for a call from the clinic to see if my E2 bloods are under 200, if so I can start on my Menopur, if not it’s another week on Suprecur then another scan to see whether it has worked properly or not. Feeling deflated 😩😩

Please tell me this is common?