Best pump flanges for more output


Hi everyone, this is question to anyone who used either of these or used something similar to increase their breast milk output!!

With my first daughter-we couldn’t get her to latch correctly and she started loosing weight very rapidly so I had to switch to pumping, well when it came to pumping, I would pump 5-6 times a day (in 24hrs) and still only get 2oz per breast, plus they never felt truly empty and I’ve never got hindmilk, only the thin foremilk.

I’m due with my second very soon and I would love to exclusively breastfeed but I’m being realistic here-knowing there’s a good chance I’ll have to pump again.

I’ve done some research and I’ve found theses two flanges that claim they help get more milk out.

Please let me know if you have an experience with either/both and if you have any recommendations.

Thank you in advance!!