Am I being unreasonable?

Am I being unreasonable to be upset about this. So today at work I told a colleague I liked her jumper. She then told me that her husband and daughter had given her £1000s to go shopping after losing some weight. She then went on saying “I was so big. Very very fat. HUGE. Size 16-18” she did arm motions of a circle around her tummy. She then looked me up and down and said “even bigger than you”. I was a bit taken back by that comment but there’s a language barrier between us so I thought I might not of understood her properly, so I just continued working and ignored it. She then came up to me as we were going for a tea break and told me about how she lost the weight by cutting carbs and calorie counting. She then started to tell me to do the same and I’d lose some weight in no time (bare in mind I had NEVER once mentioned losing weight and make a conscious decision to not talk about the subject as when I was a teenager I suffered from severe anorexia and got down to 5 stone thinking I was fat). She said “you need to lose one stone or ten kilos. I never had boobs. You have boobs and are just fat fat fat. You know?” I was really upset by this comment but didn’t say anything as I felt uncomfortable and tried to make a change in the subject talking about what she was doing after work. We then went to the tea room and my other co-worker was making tea and asked me if I wanted one. I said yes please with milk and one sugar, When the previous women piped up “no sugar no milk for her. She needs to lose weight” I then left the room and went back to my office embarrassed and upset. My company have no HR or union as it’s a small privately owned company. I don’t know who to go to. Plus I’m not really happy in my role anyway, it’s a new job and I’ve only been working there for a month and I already want to leave. On top of that women I work 12 hour shifts with 3 hours total travel time (15 hours solid work consumed) and I have to wake up at 5am every day to not get home till 8. I have no social life because of it and travel is expensive. I feel unsupported in my role and have just been told to get on with it. I have been given 3 roles, two different to what I’ve applied for and only paid for one. I’m sorry this is a Such a moany post. I just feel so upset. Is a month too soon to leave a job? Will it look shitty on my CV? I need help.